art portrait programme


capturing you through the prism of artistic vision

Welcome to my dreams

What I do is what you might call an environmental portrait. These are portraits made as a collage — and everything goes into: camera in my hands, wind blowing outside today, odd details of the landscape, layer by layer, and your and my mood reflected in the picture.

Your presence in the here and now, captured in a soft multi-exposure technique and refractions of light, brightness, air, in an abstract manner. 

Every work would be uniqie and unpredictable. To experience yourself inside an artistic process, and to see yourself as an art. 

This experience will stay with you in pictures.

Light version

For those who prefer spontaneity

  • preliminary small video call for co-setting, if you wish to
  • I set the location, within the boundaries of London
  • shooting time 1-1,15 hours
  • as a result about 20 processed photos
  • delivery in 5 working days 

£200, possible associated costs are to be paid separately

Full version

For those who want it deeper

  • preliminary small video call for co-setting, if you wish to
  • you choose any location you want to be in, within the boundaries of London (if necessary, I’ll give you full assistance in choosing place, clothes and in all related issues) 
  • shooting time 1,5-2 hours  
  • as a result about 40 processed photos
  • delivery in 7 working days

£400, possible associated costs are to be paid separately


Will you need to pose?

Totally not! Actually if you don’t know how to pose, my job would be much easier. 

As for me, posing disturb the natural body rhythm, and then the personal plasticity and gestures fade away. And my main goal is to catch your inner light in pictures. So instead of posing, I suggest easy activities to do, in which you can just live and move freely — and I portrait you using the documentary method. 

For the same reasons, I never repeat someone else’s pictures from Pinterest and don’t work by reference. My goal is to reflect you right now. Not to copypaste you into someone else’s picture.

What kind of photo processing I usually do?

I’m a fan of reality: I don’t remove objects with post processing, I don’t correct the lines of figures and faces, I don’t smooth out the skin.

But I use art instrumentary. Like as slow shutter speeds (“blurry” pictures) and multiple exposures (pictures with overlays): it’s not photoshop, I do it while shooting. All my photographs aim to better express the mood through a visual language, and I use the most appropriate ways to do this, much like a painter chooses the right colours in a palette.

All the ready pictures are lightly processed: with colour correction and soft grain, without “ringing sharpening”. I don’t provide the originals, they are raw materials.

When will the photos be ready and how to download them?

I deliver all the photos in 5/7 working days after the photoshoot (or depending on shooting conditions). 

When the photos are ready, I send you a private link to my website, where two folders are available for download: large print-size images and thumbnail copies for social media.

I recommend that you always download and keep safe a print-size folder: in case you ever want to print your photos, you will need to use it. From a thumbnail size, you will only be able to print a small picture with a huge loss of quality.

All variants are suitable for uploading to social media — but the print-size variant will definitely take up a lot of space on the phone.

Is it possible to get a private shoot?

As an author, I publish my work on my social media and on my website by default. But it is possible to arrange a completely confidential photo shoot if you want to. In this case, the pictures will never appear anywhere, and I will mention it in the contract. The cost of private work will increase by 50 per cent. 

A confidentiality agreement is reached before the shooting begins. 

If you just want to leave a few specific shots (up to 10) out of publication for whatever reason, of course, I’ll do it for free.

Can one buy a photoshoot as a gift?

Yes, every one of my photoshoots can be given as a gift. When you buy a shoot as a gift, I send you a personalised certificate, which you can print out as a card and give as a present.

Before buying a certificate, it makes sense to first make sure that the person being gifted wants to shoot in general, and that they like the way I do it. Otherwise, it will be sad if your tastes differ!

What are the payment procedures?

Half of the payment is made when we arrange the photoshoot, and after the payment I will book the date for you. The remaining half is paid on the day of the photoshoot. In case of force majeure, we will of course reschedule the date as many times as necessary during a year, it’s free and nothing gets burned off.

I always quote the cost for the whole work — I don’t measure an art portrait shoot in hours or the number of pictures, just the process and the whole result.

Cards (euro|dollars|pounds), PayPal, contactless card reader or cash — it’s for you to choose, I’m good with all of it. I work as a sole trader and will provide you with an invoice.

How to prepare for the shoot?

As an enjoyable time to yourself! Your state of mind will definitely be reflected in the images. That’s why I always ask my clients for these things:  

  1. please have enough sleep last night
  2. also please have some meal and drink you like, and of course you can take it with you if you want to (not alcohol)
  3. make sure you’re wearing something comfortable, that nothing stings or presses you or makes you hot or cold
    (I usually advise choosing clothes in which you feel good and can move freely — that’s the most important thing. But if there’s a choice of other equals, it’s better to choose clothes without prints so they don’t draw too much attention to themselves in the frame. Neutral colours and a loose silhouette are the best choices)
  4. it’s better not to try unfamiliar make-up or perfume
  5. please try to avoid any urgent appointments just after the photo shoot so you don’t have to rush off immediately
  6. and prepare to have a nice couple of hours, where you’re treated like an art!

Is it a phototherapy?

I am trained in phototherapy, use techniques from supportive and resource photography, landscape art therapy, knowledge of bodywork and a little bit of natural witchcraft, am deeply informed about trauma and try not to do any harm — in that sense yes.

But in the sense in which this word is often perceived on social media — as a magic button and a “transformation” — then no.

If you strongly disapprove of yourself in pictures and don’t like your appearance, and you think that this is me who can finally make you love yourself, then there’s a 99,9 per cent chance that you’ll be disappointed. Loving yourself is a long road, not just one photo shoot, no matter how beautiful it is, no matter who makes it.

Photography can help go into this slow journey of respecting yourself and accepting yourself as you are. But it won’t be a magic button, it’s simply not possible. I just want expectations to be realistic. 

And what if your question isn't here?

Any other questions you have, you can ask me personally in the ways below — and it will be my pleasure to answer you.

To contact me for your photo shoot,
you are welcome to use any of the convenient ways:

whatsapp • email • telegram tavistok • instagram

or here below:


I am always happy to work with media and small businesses 

Indie brands of clothing, jewellery, and design, papers and magazines etc. I also love shooting for musicians, theatre and dance artists. And surprisingly I’m VERY fond of reportage work in whatever lighting (it’s always a challenge).

The cost then depends on the complexity of the work and is calculated individually. Don’t be afraid to write: I am open to any ideas and collaborations and make several pro bono shoots each season