Being single
A simple word “single” has no equivalent in Russian except a lumpy phrase “not in relationship now”. If you are a single female, you feel lonely quite often. It might be something about Russian mentality, or gender bug, or pressure of mass culture — or all of those things together, combined with some personal issues. The fact is: some places and situations increase loneliness en emphasize the very fact of your being single.
Sometimes it’s just unpleasant, sometimes it’s uncomfortable with a tinge of guilt, like it’s almost indecent to be single.
I asked single girls, when and where do they feel extremely lonely.
And we went there — to experience it all in all.
When I was just looking for the heroes, my friend told me — “I don’t understand what makes people to demonstrate such things”. And that’s the thing I wanted to speak about, too. To show that it’s not a shame, not indecent and not a taboo — to be single and to be emotional over it.
The project exists in book form and was shown in the group exhibition Photofaculty-53 (2012) among the best works

Katia, 21
“Feeling lonely is waiting late at night for the bus from the underground to your home. And when there’s nobody at home but a cat”

Zhenya, 24
“The sharpest feeling is when some silly thing can be done together and there is no silly partner. Recently, for example, there was no one to have a foam stick duel with. Even at concerts it is felt. And, of course, it’s more pleasant to go to the cinema as a couple”.

Julia, 29
“In the company of a couple. On a weekend in a big supermarket, where everyone is with families and children. When there is no one to share the daily chores and discussions with — like “what are you having for breakfast?” or “I went to the shop, what should I buy?”

Nastia, 18
“I feel loneliest in coffee shops, where there are lots and lots of couples. I work as a bartender, so I see them quite often, and it feels especially lonely when I’m constantly in front of them. I often sit with a book somewhere after work, in my spare time. You don’t see couples behind a book”.

Ira, 26
“In beautiful places — when you want to share the joy of what you have seen/experienced with those closest to you, and there is no such closest person”.

Dasha, 30
“I can’t watch a cool but scary movie by myself because I’m scared. I can’t zip up my dress. And in Ikea, where everyone goes with their families, I don’t feel very comfortable, of course.”

Nusha, 38
“When something breaks down at home. When you have to pick up your friends' children from kindergarten. And when there is no one to feed for lunch or dinner”.