I translated one of my poems into English. It’s interesting, of course, how it reads from a completely different perspective, without the underlying meaning of the original. Perhaps in a few years I will translate it quite differently.

You can read the rest here, but they are all in Russian. Only one thing has been translated (into several languages at once, and not by me) so far.

Little by little I want to translate and publish a collection. When I moved, I didn’t take my books of published short stories with me, but my poetry collections did. All that’s left is to get local publishers interested!

* *

sometimes I wonder
what it’s like for you
(and it’s a different three yous)
that we may never see each other again

and also
what was the name of that feeling
that lived between us
and where it resides now

where it has emigrated to
was it in one day or gathering long enough
selling things he don’t need anymore

apostilling each of the emotions on the inventory.

L-- don’t know about L was not labelled.

in the country of destination it was not required

where is that country and what’s it like there
sometimes I ask myself the very same question

then arrives
by the royal post office
a reply
the addressee is out.
destination unknown

I hope he’s somehow happy there
like each of my three you

* *

иногда я думаю
каково тебе знать (это разные три ты)
что возможно мы никогда не увидимся больше

а еще
как называлось то чувство,
что жило между нами
и где оно обитает теперь

куда эмигрировало
одним днем или собираясь задолго
продавая ненужное ставя
апостили на каждую из эмоций по описи

л-- не знаю про л не проставлено

в стране назначения не требовалось
где та страна и как там живется
иногда я адресую тот же вопрос себе

на королевскую почту
адресат выбыл


я надеюсь, он все же там счастлив
как и каждая из трех моих ты

Blog / Artist’s Diary

I translated one of my poems into English. Victoria Dini Art

Baby Reindeer

from the perspective of a lesbian & sexual abuse survivor
I translated one of my poems into English. Victoria Dini Art

A flaming bush

and my manner of work with it as an example
I translated one of my poems into English. Victoria Dini Art

Capturing the moment at Tate Modern

and why I think that as curatorial work it’s bullshit
I translated one of my poems into English. Victoria Dini Art

Art Touch Performance

About my two exhibitions and a new performance (lots of news!)
I translated one of my poems into English. Victoria Dini Art

About all the cameras big and small

and why I hardly ever shoot with my Mark anymore
I translated one of my poems into English. Victoria Dini Art

About my old performance

and what we’re actually shooting
I translated one of my poems into English. Victoria Dini Art

English (not yet summer) rain

and how I could not stop filming it
I translated one of my poems into English. Victoria Dini Art

Kusama at Tate Modern

and my big love for her art
I translated one of my poems into English. Victoria Dini Art

Camden Art Centre

my volunteering and two current exhibitions